Do you need help configuring your WordPress website with Gravity Forms, GravityView, Gravity Flow, Gravity Perks or GravityWP Add-ons? Aiwos is specialized in all these plugins and we’re happy to help you reach your goals.
Gravity Forms
Currently, we’ve built more than a thousand forms for different clients. See our cases for examples of portals, websites and platforms we configured. If you need help with one of the following questions, please contact us to see if we can help you.
- How can I build complex forms with Gravity Forms?
- How can I fill in data in my Gravity Form for known visitors (with a JSON Webtoken or filling a Save and Continue link)?
- How can I use complex conditional logic in my form?
- How can I integrate and connect different Gravity Forms together?
- How can I add customizations to my Gravity Forms fields and Merge Tags?
We’re specialists in these Gravity Forms Add-ons:
Gravity Flow
We’re specialized in creating complex Workflows inside WordPress with Gravity Forms in combination with Gravity Flow. Gravity Flow let’s you define workflow steps to manipulate data, copy data, extend data, get approvals and much more.
We’ve also developed several custom Gravity Flow steps, following the step framework.
If you need any help with configuring or extending Gravity Flow, feel free to contact us.
GravityView (GravityKit)
We’re using GravityView a lot in our projects. With GravityView you can easily create views filled with data from your Gravity Forms, but also edit entries on the front-end of your WordPress website. We use it to create overviews of data, with buttons and follow-up actions. With GravityView you can also easily search through the data.
GravityWP is a company we started as a spin-off of Aiwos. We noticed that certain wishes from clients needed custom add-ons for Gravity Forms and Gravity Flow, so we decided to build these plugins in a way that they can be used by others around the world.
If you need any support with using GravityWP add-ons or configuring forms with GravityWP functionality, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Gravity Perks (Gravity Wiz)
Gravity Perks offers a huge amount of different add-ons for Gravity Forms, like Populate Anything (to use data from other Form entries to create choices in dropdowns, radio buttons or checkboxes or to show data from the database inside your form), Unique ID to create unique references for Gravity Forms entries and Preview Submission to show data from previous form steps inside the same form. We use Gravity Perks in almost every project we do. If you need any help in your project, feel free to contact us.
Gravity PDF
Almost every client at some point wants to create PDFs filled with data from Gravity Forms entries. Gravity PDF is by far the best open-source solution available. We create custom PDF templates for our clients in PHP and offer different ways to embed views inside a PDF.
If you need any help with your Gravity PDF configuration or with creating a custom PDF template to use in your projects, please contact us with your question.
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