Rebuild or Optimization


Rebuild or Optimization

Chances are that your current solution was conceived and launched several years ago. In the meantime, the wishes of your users have changed, numerous digital options have been added and your platform, portal, website or intranet is no longer up-to-date. What can Aiwos do when rebuilding your solution or optimizing it?

Renewing an existing platform or portal brings specific challenges such as preserving crucial functionalities, migrating content and undoubtedly implementing improvements. iwos is your digital partner that ensures the desired innovation without losing good elements.  

Determining goals together  

It starts with discussing the reasons for the desired changes and determining what the desired outcome is. Of course, this also applies when you start a new initiative, but with existing websites this question is often more difficult to answer. You know what you have and you don't know what you get. This feeling often affects the stakeholders involved. Saying goodbye to certain components or functionalities can be difficult. Aiwos helps to make these choices with the end goal in mind.  

Content migration 

Another important topic when rebuilding (or with some optimisations) is that existing content must also be available in the renewed solution. Most Aiwos clients therefore involve their content managers in the process to realize a successful migration together with Aiwos.  

A WordPress website for educational innovation

A noble goal: educational innovation by collecting and assessing teachers' ideas. But how do you manage that -online- so that the best initiatives emerge?

A WordPress website for educational innovation

A noble goal: educational innovation by collecting and assessing teachers' ideas. But how do you manage that -online- so that the best initiatives emerge?

Process changes 

The reason for renewing websites is regularly that the current CMS is not flexible enough to implement desired changes. It often proves to be a challenge to add new process steps to workflows. Sometimes even adding an extra check mark in a registration form is difficult.

When rebuilding an existing platform or portal, Aiwos starts by rethinking workflows. This means that we make the right adjustments. Inefficiencies that disturb clients are immediately a thing of the past thanks to this method.

Example optimizations

Adapted online processes do not always lead to a complete rebuild of a website. Depending on the size of the desired changes and their complexity, optimizing the current system may be the right solution. What kind of optimizations can you think of?

  1. The integration of smart forms into existing solutions often makes a world of difference
  2. Realizing specific API coupling can also help to remove limitations

Learn more about smart form solutions on Gravity WP, the sister company of Aiwos. Curious about the possibilities in the field of API connections,  click here .

Elements that correspond to new construction 

Of course there are things that apply to new websites as well as to rebuilt variants. Examples of this are GDPR compliance, security, possible API connections and the match with existing systems.

You can read all about it in our explanation about  new WordPress websites  .